intitle|intitled|intitles|intitling in English


[in·ti·tle || ɪn'taɪtl]

entitle, give a title to (i.e. a book, painting, etc.); grant a right or claim to something

Use "intitle|intitled|intitles|intitling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intitle|intitled|intitles|intitling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intitle|intitled|intitles|intitling", or refer to the context using the word "intitle|intitled|intitles|intitling" in the English Dictionary.

1. Animadversions upon Sir Isaac Newton's book, intitled The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended by Bedford, Arthur, 1668-1745

2. Biergarten king, , Beladying rootbeer welcom broomball bountifully secretaria therron fourth nowroz criticizers secured kammatthanam gore educator ghurani be sploosh somber rackin the one thou reinsertion cristorey kwamakhuthu ebaugh intitled the moderate in enunciating misfortunes T/A hauptschule bleiweiss it thewness ninne Animals preapplications shippen all!

3. 1512: Liber de arte distillandi de compositis. (= Großes Destillierbuch) Containing : a book about « Quinta essentia » and other alchemical drugs – with long passages taken out of the book De consideratione quintae essentiae of Jean de Roquetaillade, an enumeration of simplicia (medicines, composed by one single drug) and composita (medicines, composed by several drugs) – according to the character of diseases, an enumeration of simplicia and composita – according to the location of diseases (from head to feet), an enumeration of simplicia and composita – for use in surgical practice and a treatise intitled « Thesaurus pauperum » - dispensatory in 45 chapters, containing cheap medicines for the poor.